
December 22, 2022

Here is a podcast I started. Missed the Prayer this week as I fell behind on doing this.

Below are the show (?) notes?




I was going to say dedication 8 times in honor of Hanukkah but it seemed to drag on after just the first couple. So I will stop there. 

Today, if you could guess it, we are going to be talking about Dedication and what that means for the modern man. And by we, I mean me. And by man I mean Mankind or whatever. Anywho, on with the show. 


— Music interlude or something ?—


Hello, and welcome to “as I go” the podcast where I make it up as I go. 

A podcast? A teaching with a script and a guy talking?

Not sure yet. But thanks for your time and Hope you find some use from this. 

Let’s jump right in.

Dedication. An interesting concept that we in America have little to no concept of. 

Many times our “dedication” to something is only long enough for us to extract some value out of it. Then we move on to the next thing in an attempt to feed our soul. 

As a matter of fact, dedication is defined in English as 

1. A devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose.

2. Self sacrificing devotion and loyalty

3. A ceremony to mark the official completion or opening of something.

So that makes some sense. Being dedicated to the cause. Setting aside time or funds for a particular purpose. Dedicating a building or a child at the beginning of something. This is not entirely wrong but not entirely correct either. 

There is much more depth to be found. 

In the ancient Hebrew the word dedication is shown to be as follows:

The base is Chanak - To begin using something new. To initiate or discipline. 

This is used in the context of an infant being trained to suck by placing a sour substance on the roof of the mouth.

The word is a HHET - NUN - KAPH 

HHET -> The tent wall meaning protection, set apart or divided.

NUN -> The seed sprouting which represents the idea of continuing a new generation. Continue, perpetuation, offspring, or heir. 

KAPH -> The open palm of a hand. Means to bend and curve from the palm. The bend one or another’s will. To tame or subdue. 

NOTE — The following is my own interpretation. This is not guaranteed to be even remotely correct. I am just doing my best to study and prayerfully consider the concepts that Abba brings To me. 

Please prayerfully consider all of the things I say as I am not God. 

I am just a man. 

A way you could read this word is the discipline. 

To protect the seed of future generations by taming or subduing their will. 

The first time this dedicate word was used (that I can find) is Deuteronomy 20:5.

“The the officers shall speak to the people, saying, ‘Is there any man who has built a new house and has not dedicated it? let him go back to his house, lest he die in the battle and another man dedicate it.” 

This is before the Israelites are about to go into battle against an enemy. The same concept is applied to the vineyard and a recently married couple. Those who have not experienced the vineyard or the joys of being married are to go back from war lest they perish and someone else take them over. 

Those who have only begun and not fully been experienced in its use or intended purpose are sent back to dedicate. 

So that seems all well and good. But what is the point?

To divide and protect the future generations by taming or bending their will AWAY from what they have been tamed by. 

Submission to the most High, in a loving way. 

The hand of KAPH means to tame or subdue. To bend like the palm.

Banner puts its exactly as such. 

“ The ancient form of this letter is the open palm of a hand. The meanings of this letter are bend and curve from the shape of the palm as well as to tame or subdue as one who as been bent to another’s will.” 

Whose will are you bending to? 

ABBA’s? Or the enemy’s? 

Whose will is your house giving refuge to? The son of man had no place to rest his house. 

Who is prospering from your vineyard? Just you? (If you even are prospering at all) Or are the widow and the poor gleaning from your field? 

You see the word Dedication is the same base with a VAV and a HEY thrown in.

This changes the meaning a bit. 

The meaning is shifted to:

Divide or protect the future generations securely by subduing those and then beholding that work. 

The VAV is a tent peg meaning secure.

The HEY is a man beholding. Sighing in great admiration of a work being done. 

The Word dedication is HHET — NUN — VAV — KAPH — HEY. 

So lets get off this roller coaster. 

This is the season of REDEDICATION. 

Are you allowing Abba to bend you to his will? Are you allowing his love to call you to repentance or are you resisting? 

Have you turned away from the will of the enemy and begun to be subdued by the most high? 

It is time to use something new. 

It is time to BECOME something NEW. 

It is time to repent and be molded by the palm of the Potter. 

let us pray together.

Abba, father, Thank you so much for your breath in my lungs. 

You are so faithful and loving. Thank you for waking me up this morning and allowing me to continue to live on this earth. 

Please help me to be surrendered to your will. To not be bent or subdued by the enemy. 

Father I repent of my sins. My Addictions to anger, to lust and adultery, to my pornography and masterbation. For my cursing of others and their identity. 

I repent for not having a field that others can glean from. I repent Lord. 

Please help me, Abba. 

I want to be rededicated. I want to till the soil. I want to be a blessing to all those around me so that YOU may be lifted up. So that THEY may experience the love and the peace that only you can give. 

Please keep calling me to the path you have set before me. 

Please strengthen me to do what I need to and to not do what I do not need to. 

Please father, give me what I need today to thrive. 

Please forgive me and help me to forgive. 

I love you, Abba. 

I am just lazy and immature. 

But that changes today. I am going to start doing something new. To train and disciple myself in your ways. In your wisdom. 

It is in your sons name and authority, yeshua, I ask these things.


If you made it this far, thanks. 

May Abba lift his face to you. 

Not sure I will do this again, but stay tuned. 

Who knows. 



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