Engaged Single

February 22, 2024

If the bible is to believed, we await our Bride-Groom who has gone to make a place for us in the house of his Father.

One day he will return and some STUFF happens. Which cultivates to the Marriage supper of the Lamb.

This means, those who claim to be believers are betrothed to the Bride-Groom! 

Then the question remains....

Do I live a life like one waiting for the Bride-Groom to come back for me for the Marriage supper?

No. Not at all.

I live my life like a married single. (I'm not even guaranteed to make it to the wedding...)

I do what I want, when I want most of the time with no regard for Jesus. No Regard for the ways in which he loves me and the way he calls me to follow the ways of the Father.

How can any bride-to-be live the way I do? Being promiscuous and whoring after others.

Seeking Money over YHVH.

Seeking money over Jesus.

Seeking a spouse over YHVH.

Seeking a spouse over Jesus.

And I have the audacity to turn around and claim that: "God has forgotten ME."

And I live a life that mostly gives him no honor and respect as the Bride is supposed to.

Jesus has brought forth the Love that the Bride-Groom is supposed to.

He died on my behalf. He died to make me pure and holy. He died that I might live.

WHO AM I that I should receive such love and tender-kindness from my savior?

I am but dust and ash!


How Good is YHVH! 

As the Bide of the Messiah I am supposed to Honor (I.E. Revere/Fear) and Respect him and the ways in which he leads me.

But I usurp his authority and sit on the throne and wonder why there is not Peace in the house.

Not very bright.

Time to repent.

Repent and repent.

My prayer is below if you feel so inclined to read it.

Abba, Father. You are so wondrous and majestic.
Thank you for your long suffering and your loving kindness for me.
Please forgive me YHVH, king of the universe. Lover and creator.
Please Forgive my trespasses against your loving kindness and the sacrifice made on my behalf.
Please help me learn what it means to operate in your ways as your Bride.
Please teach me how to operate in humility and to show you the Honor and Respect you are due.

Who is like you in all the earth?
Surely no one is as good to me as you are.
Thank you for loving me and washing me clean. Please wash me clean again as I have sinned against you, and you alone.
There is no other God who is like you.
I am so sorry for ascribing honor and glory to other gods.
May you be Magnified by my life and in my life.
Please help me learn what it means to steward your house and your family.




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