Planting - reaping - sowing

May 4, 2023

During the counting of the omer, Abba has revealed that I need to sow the things that I have harvested to bring forth blessing to those around me.

What does it mean to Sow the things that Abba has given you?

well, it means to replant in your field and then have more to give away, right?

False. That is selfishness parading as humility.

Sowing is the picture of discipleship.

You take the seed that has been grown through the miracle of Abba's work. The plant in your field is taken care of by you, but it is Abba who brings the water, the growth and the increase.

To sow it, you give that fruit to someone in need. You take from something you could eat and provide that to those in need.

You show them how to plant that same fruit in their field. You show them the ins and the outs of taking care of that fruit.

After all, you have experience in taking care of it, right?

Then you show them how to prune it, what branches are bad, what branches may be sick. You show them how to grow that plant in ALL stages, until they have fruit.

Stop falsely parading humility when it is pure selfishness.

This week, repent of 'eating' the seed that has been produced by your harvest. Whether that be eating it or replanting it in your own field.

Ask Abba where you need to be pouring into those around you.

To disciple them and help them plant the good seed of self disciple, of holiness and righteousness.

These are LEARNED practices.

People can learn these from you ONLY IF you are truly reflecting the character of Abba.

Pray for the students around you. For the younger generation.

Repent and stop eating the seed.

There are those who are hungry. They need to learn to take care of their own field. You cannot just give them the fruit from your field and leave them to figure it out.

Stop being selfish and truly serve the Kingdom of God by bringing forth multiplicative growth in people.

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