The Subtlety of Despair

January 18, 2024

Its all about you, Jesus.

All this is for you.

For your glory and your fame.

It's not about me.

As if you should do things my way,

You alone are God and I surrender,

To your ways.


Jesus, Love of my Soul.

All consuming fire is in your gaze.

Jesus, I want you to know,

I will follow you all my days

No one else is history is like you

History itself belongs to you

Alpha and Omega, you have loved me,

And I will share eternity with you.


It's all about you, Jesus.

All this is for you.

For your glory and your Fame.

It's not about me.

As if you should do things my way,

you alone are God and I surrender to your ways.


It's all about you, Jesus.

All this is for you,

for your glory and your fame,

It's not about me

As if you should do things my way.

You alone are God and I surrender.

You alone are God and I surrender.

You alone are God and I surrender

to YOUR ways.

Abba, Father, I repent of the ways that I have given in to the despair of the enemy.
As if you did not sacrifice your Son on my behalf to defeat sin and death once and for all.
The Subtlety of despair had overtaken me and I believed the lies of the enemy.
Forgive me, Father, for the sins the I have committed against YOU.
Please, forgive me for the ways I have tried to break away and stay in the depressed state.
THANK YOU Father for your never ending Love.

It is all about Messiah and the salvation that he paid for with his own blood.
A brilliant move by the Ancient of Days to bring his bride back to himself.
Thank you for redeeming me and my bloodline. For allowing me to exist in the shadow of your wings.

Please let the AWE of you permeate my being.
That my eyes would learn to see the glimpses of your beauty in the daily moments.
That I would catch your breath -- In and out -- on all life
and see your magnificent design.

YOU and YOUR ways are beautiful.
And I repent of my ways that go against it and say to you now,


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A simple way to combat the forces of darkness and the principalities of the Air.
Trust God, Love Him and follow His ways.

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