The Things of this world

January 19, 2023
1st John 2 : 15 - 17

15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For everything in the world—the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes,[c] and the boasting of life—is not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world is passing away along with its desire, but the one who does the will of God abides forever.

What does it mean to Love the world? It is pretty scary to think that the Love of God is not in you if you love the world. It means that one love has replaced the other.

So which love guides your heart and is your guiding principle?

Most people know the Greek word for love. Its G25 in strongs and means the following:

Agapao : to love in a social/moral sense.

But the interesting thing is in that definition it has a direct reference to H5689 (in the strongs) which means this:

Agab - A primitive root; to breathe after, that is, to love (sensually): - dote, Lover.

Which, in turn, leads to the pictorial Hebrew (in the AHLB) of:

Lust - Ayin gam Bet

The eye, the Foot and the Floor plan of the tent.

Ayin - The eye, window to knowledge, etc.

Gam/gimel - To walk, carry or gather (as animals gather at a watering hole)

Bet - The house or family, the tent one lives in, in, with, inside or within.

The word referenced here is only used in Jeremiah and Ezekiel speaking of the fall of Israel.

For instance: Jeremiah 4:30

And you, O desolate one, what will you do? Though you dress in scarlet, though you adorn yourself with gold ornaments though you enlarge your eyes with paint— in vain you make yourself beautiful— your lovers despise you, they seek your life.

This word is different from the one used regularly for Lust, in so far as it means who you dote on, or love like a lover.

Extrapolating on that.... Who is the one you love? Who is the one you seek to spend time with? The lover that comforts and provides for you?

Are you spending more time on the worldly desires? Spending more time on seeking comfort?

Maybe, Just maybe, the amount of comfort we seek is a direct representation of how broken and in need of Abba we truly are? 

Rather than being content and trusting him, we seek and treat the world as the one who will fulfill our needs and desires.

Today, Pray for revelation. Ask Abba where in your life you have loved the world and sought its comfort.

And then repent for those areas. Seek Abba and let him be the one to provide for you.

Finally, pray for your friends and family as they are probably struggling with similar issues.

Pray for unity in the Messiah and for repentance to come so that all may be drawn near.

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