What I must do

December 8, 2022

When had my selfishness overcome my persistence for love?

I cannot seem to pinpoint a date or a time that I decided to choose the things I wanted to do over the things I needed to do. The things I must do.

When taking the trash out turned into pushing it down one more time to be *more efficient* .

When had my views turned into "If I did this for them, would they do the same for me?"

Because No. They wouldn't do the same so I wouldn't even bother.

When had my love for people become disdain?

Easy to joke about "Oh, I just don't like people" way up here on my throne. Living in judgement.

Mostly in fear.

well, Abba, I repent for the the fear, the judgement, the disdain. Please give me compassion and eyes to see people truly as you have made them.

To be moved by compassion like the Messiah was for the masses.

Today, repent.

Then Pray for those who are hurting, those who need love.

Pray for opportunities to show love to those around you.

And then, work on stop being so in your own world that you would actually see those opportunities not as a trial.

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