Chodesh Ha-Yeshua

April 8, 2024

Tonight begins the new month of Nissan. The month of Salvation.

The time in which the people were passed over and brought through baptism into a new life.

Do you want to live? Do you want to be free? Do you want to be saved?

Repent, rend your heart, apply the blood of the lamb that was spilled on your behalf and call upon the name of the Lord Yeshua.

Let go of the unforgiveness towards those who kept you in slavery (including yourself).

God will deal with them in their time. But your time is NOW.

Judgement and correction comes to the House of God first. If you claim to be in his house, then repent now because the trumpet has been sounded.

We are at war. The earth has testified against our trespasses against the most high.

The heavens have testified against us today. With a full eclipse over the US, one of many over the last 15 years.

Do you hear the call? Do you hear the father whispering your name? calling out to you? 

Will you heed his loving call?

Will you forgive? Will the blood of the lamb be enough to pay for the trespasses of those who hurt you?

Is it enough to pay for your trespasses against others? You cannot have one or the other. It is a package deal.

Is Passover a one day celebration? 

How long did the plagues last? 

This whole month is the process of being brought through salvation. The plagues were also to rend the hearts of the Egyptians back to Abba.

We like to think we are on the Hebrew side of the equation, but what if you are in the Egyptian side? Did the plagues stop affecting you if you called upon the name of YHVH? Many Egyptians left Egypt as a part of God's people.

Will you leave your life to pursue true life?

Do you see the move of YHVH in your life? Where is calling you to repentance? Do you see the death that he wants to remove from you?

What is it going to take for you to come to end of yourself and to cry out to him?

That is all he wants. He wants YOU. He wants your heart. He wants your Love. He wants you to prosper, in the true sense. He wants you to be close to him. He wants to bring you out of slavery into life. HE WANTS TO.
But do you want to be free?
Will you cry out for forgiveness and give forgiveness in the same measure?

youtube is being dumb, listen to the link below. It is 20 mins of worship followed by a portion of just keyboard to listen, pray and repent.

Take the time to seek his face.

He will meet you if you set the place and time aside.

Listen to this set from the saved point.

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