The East Wind --

July 6, 2023

The East Wind:

Exodus 10:13
So Moses stretched out his staff over the land of Egypt, and Adonai brought an east wind over the land all that day and all night. When it was morning, the east wind brought the locusts.

Colloquially, it would be eastward, but it means the East Wind.

What is the East wind and why is it mentioned everywhere?

Take a look for yourself. The word specifically for “East Wind” is used below…

Genesis 41:6, 41:23, 41:27 The East wind brings the fortelling of the Famines to come.
Exodus 10:13, 14:21 The East Wind brings the Locusts and Separates the sea.
Job 15:2, 27:21, 38:24 Can you eat the East Wind after spewing vain knowledge?The East Wind carrying someone away and God Questioning Job about the things he claims to understand.
Psalms 48:7, 78:26 East Wind Breaking the Ships of tarshish and the East Wind blowing in heaven.
Isaiah 27:8 The Redemption of Israel by being banished by the East Wind instead of Being destroyed.
Jeremiah 18:17 Israel is going to be scattered like an East Wind if she does not repent of the Evil she is living in.
Ezekiel 11:1, 17:10, 19:12, 27:26, most of 40, 41:14, 42:9-16, 43:4, 43:17, 44:1, 45:7, 46:1, 46:12, 47:1-3/18, All of 48 Read Ezekiel HAH. Quick Summation:East wind Causes desolation, Causes things to dry up, Used to talk about looking Eastward, like the East Gate of Gods Temple.
Hosea 12:1, 13:15 Ephraim feeds on wind and follows after the East Wind or following after Lies and deceit. But the true East Wind from Adonai will come, and the Enemy will be desolate.
Jonah 4:8 A vehement East Wind comes upon Jonah and the Sun beat down. Jonah wishes to Die.
Habakkuk 1:9 The Lord Answers Habakkuk telling about the Chaldeans come for violence like the East Wind.

Qedem::  Face co: East ab: Before: The place of the rising sun. The Hebrews recognized the east as the top of the four compass points (contrary to our understanding of north) and is the direction faced when orienting direction. The past is understood as what is in front, or before, you as the past is known (contrary to our understanding of the future being in front of us). [from: md - the red color blood combined with the quph as the rising sun, hence the "rising sun of blood"]

Ruach::  Wind: Also the wind of man or god, the breath. [Hebrew and Aramaic] [freq. 380] |kjv: spirit, wind, breath, side, mind, blast, vain, air, anger, cool, courage, space, enlargement| {H7305, H7307}

A way to look at the east wind is Orienting Breath. The Ruach is the breath of the spirit, it can be used as a heavy sigh.

It is interesting to note that Eden is mentioned to be “in the east.”  So this heavy and angry wind from the east could be interpreted as the sigh(the wind or breath) from Eden(the east).

This is sort of fascinating as the East Wind is heavily used to bring destruction and, more importantly, Correction to Israel.  

In that day Adonai will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent with His fierce, great, strong sword, Leviathan the twisted serpent! He will slay the dragon in the sea. 2 “In that day sing to her, ‘A vineyard of delight!’ 3 I, Adonai, watch over it, I water it every moment. I guard it day and night, so that no one may harm it. 4 It is not that I have wrath. Who would give me thorns and thistles? Into battle I would march against them! I would burn them up altogether! 5 Rather let them rely on My strength. Let them make peace with Me— make peace with Me.” 6 In days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will blossom and bud and fill the face of the world with fruit. 7 Did He strike Israel as He struck those who struck them? Or were they slain as their slayers were slain? 8 You contended with her by banishing her, by driving her away. With His fierce wind He expelled them on the day of the east wind. 9 So by this will Jacob’s sin be atoned and this the full price to remove his sin: When he makes all the altar stones like shattered chalk stones, so that the Asherah poles and incense rise no more. 10 The fortified city is a lonely habitation, forlorn and forsaken like the desert. There the calf will graze, there lie down and consume its branches. 11 When the boughs are withered, they will be broken off. Women come and set them on fire, for it is a people of no understanding. Therefore their Maker will show them no mercy— He who formed them will give them no grace. 12 It will come about in that day,Adonai will thresh from the channel of the River to the Wadi of Egypt, and you will be gathered one by one, Bnei-Yisrael. 13 It will also come about in that day, a great shofar will be blown.[a] Those perishing in the land of Assyria and the exiles in the land of Egypt will come and worship Adonai on the holy mountain in Jerusalem.

Israel is not like those who have sinned against God and were destroyed. They were driven out with an east wind and called to repentance.

We have experienced an east wind as a community. Are you going to listen and allow the "orienting breath" or east wind call you to repentance?

Enter Passover 2023. Where, I believe, the Lord sent his chilly East Wind.

Now you might say, "Jeriah, the east wind is always a heat or summer wind!"

Yep. You got me. Usually it is a desert wind that brings destruction and we seem to have experienced the same but with a Cold wind.

And I am going to give my interpretation and suggest what you should be praying about.

My Interpretation - Stop being Cold.

Passover 2023, was a nice day until we sat down for Passover.

Then it was cold and miserable for the entire evening of the seder.

Until the seder was done. Then it cleared up. Not a coincidence.

Furthermore, Socorro lost most of the fruit that would have been harvested as the slight chill and freeze killed most of the fruit buds on the trees.

Speculation at best, but hear the call.

The word I got when praying about it:

Israel, my Bride.
Why are you cold in spirit? Why are you cold in flesh? 
Am I not worth being on fire for? 
You burn for your passions and for your desires,
but you have barely an ember for me.
Stop striving and turn to the path I have set before you.
Use your gifts for life,
not for building wealth in detestable things.
Repent and let me stoke the flames in your Heart.

A call to action:

Repent of your sins, be washed clean and be healed.

Start using your gifts for the Kingdom of YHVH.

Stop building your kingdom and calling it the Kingdom of God.

You are not fooling anyone.

You know the places that Abba has been calling. Convicting you.

If you haven't be paying attention, no time like the present.

I'll go first.

I repent of my pride.

I serve people not to prove how much value THEY have, but to prove that I HAVE VALUE and should be loved. The mindset of a servant vying for the affection of his master. Truly deplorable and sad. And HOW I STRIVE. How I strive. Abba forgive me. Please replace my striving and pride about building myself up with the true humility of your son who serves those who enter in to your house. Please teach me what it means to be your son and not just your servant.

I repent of my lust and coveting.

I lust after relationship and women because it will give ME value. Same as above. Its all about me me me. How sad it is to live and strive and strive and strive. Trying to be worth SOMETHING. ANYTHING. When the reality is that I am worth EVERYTHING to Abba. He sent is perfect son to die on my behalf. I only lessen the value of others by leveraging them for my own worth. Abba, I repent of my lust after those who are deserving of respect and honor. Teach me what it means to live in true relationship.

Abba forgive me. Please help me to walk in spirit and truth. Help me to turn away from the ways of the world and to learn what it means to work my faith out with fear and trembling. Let me know your might that I might fear you more than man. I want to be a man after your own heart. To have your Law written on my heart. That I have a heart of flesh and not of stone.

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