OMER 3 - Connection

April 11, 2023
Counting the Omer

End of Day Three, Start of Day Four:

Serving --

Do not complain, do not boast on how long it took you. Those are prideful things. Serve quietly, serve eagerly and with everything you have. Do not strive to "get it over with" so you can move on to something else. The Lord doesn't want your half measures. If you want to serve, then do it with everything you have.

It is like the Tithe. 10% is the Lords. Anything else is a freewill gift offering out of love. If it is done out of duty or for gain, the Lord does not want it.

The Lord wants the heart and soul of those who love him to walk in his ways. The half measures are only poorly disguised defilement.

Abba, I repent of my half measures in serving your people. That I would only serve to receive some sort of prideful boasting about how much I do for people. Please help me to understand what it means to actually serve your people and to walk in righteousness.

Silence --

"Why do you not sit in silence before me? The noise you are surrounded by is just a distraction you use to not hear from me. Why not sit and spend time with me in the cool of the day? "

Why do I seek these other distractions when I could be still before the Lord? Is his presence not enough? How could I desire more?

Probably because I do not truly understand the depths of his love. I claim to, but my actions speak a different story.

Abba, I repent of my lack of silence before you. I repent for my need to have every second of everyday filled with "content" because I cannot be content with your presence. Please help me to learn to walk and talk with you throughout the day so that I can bring forth your spirit to your people.

Tilling the Ground --

The weeds are pulled out easier when the field has been irrigated. There needs to be a source of water to help break up the clay and to more easily remove the rocks and weeds. It still takes effort, but there still needs to be the connection to the source.

And I run dry frequently. Why is this so? Because I check the boxes. Served in church this week. CHECK. Did the bible study. CHECK. There is no continual spring to fill every part of my life.

Because I close it off and only use it when it is useful for me. Or comforting for me.

The time to be humbled is now. It is time to humble ourselves or be swept away.

The rushing winds are coming and there needs to be deep roots to stay the storm.

Abba, I repent of my lack of connection with you. Only seeking you when I need to feel better about myself. Not seeking you out constantly like you seek me. Please help change my heart so that I may put the effort in to spend time in your presence.

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