Pressing Forward — No Matter the Cost

May 25, 2023
Wisdom and Discernment

Isn’t it interesting how the “enemy” knows where to hit us every time we start to “do something right?”

That age-old saying… “Well the enemy is coming against me so I must be doing something right!”

While this is not entirely wrong, it is not entirely correct.

Maybe, just maybe, have you considered that it is actually your own sin rising up?

Now, that is pretty accusatory so I can understand that it may be offensive.

Please, read on.

The “Enemy“ —

While it is true that the accusor — satan as commonly referred to— can come against you and bring demons and principalities against you, chances are that is not the case.

WOOOOOP (This is an alarm noise) WOOP WOOOP

HEAD CANNON ALERT (These are my own thoughts).

Demons are a finite resource, there are not enough of them to harass every single individual continually. The process of life itself has broken people breaking people and continually sending iniquity down the line. It is up to each individual if they break that cycle of sin passed down to them or not.

Unfortunately we are born into sin.

Fortunately we have the sacrifice of the messiah to make us clean.

But we still sin. We still live in the death-loop either on purpose or unknowingly (summer time brings me many problems as a male with the ladies wearing skimpy clothing. Is it their fault, or mine for lack of discipline? Mayhaps it is not entirely a black and white subject. Or maybe we are both sinners).

Now, the enemy has instituted a cycle that breaks people. Why go through the trouble to rock the boat when people are wallowing in their misery for free?

Sheep without a shepherd.

But we as believers HAVE a shepherd. And as sheep with a shepherd we should KNOW what to do. (That is not to mention if we actually —FOLLOW— him continually..)

The shepherd cannot be with the entire flock continually. There are edges and there are those in the center, etc.

Seriously, consider what it would take a shepherd to take care of a flock of 1000 sheep. Consider the continual Bleating. The continual need to keep them together against the elements and the predators.

Well, seems I have gotten a bit off topic.

What does this have to do with you and me?


Here you are. Reading a prayer topic, hopefully fasting alongside those who do the weekly fasting and praying. Seeking Abba and his presence. This is good and true.

but there is a problem.

You and me.

The closer we get to Abba. The closer we come to the Lord God, Creator of the universe…

The more we are exposed.

Sin cannot stay in the presence of the father. It is impossible.

So all of the things we don’t want people to see are exposed for all to see. All by getting closer to our creator.

Because he wants us to be clean and healed.

To do that he needs to peel back the festering bandages we used to tell people we were fine and expose the wound.

Only then can he lance the wound and begin to bring healing and comfort to us.

here is the big question…

Are you willing to lay your life down for his kingdom? To be exposed of all sin so that he can wash you clean and clothe you with his robes?

He does not ask for half measures.

imagine someone you care for deeply. Someone you love with all your heart.

There they lay. Collapsed on the road to meet you somewhere.

Covered in mud, with cuts and bruises all over their body.

So completely destroyed in spirit that they cannot even lift a finger; their wounds are that grievous.

Are you not going to bring them into your home and take care of them? Wash them and nurse them back to health?

Some of you are saying “No….I would obviously Take them to the hospital. I’m not wiping down their naked body. That’s gross.”

Fine. I‘ll play along…Not. Finish this thought experiment on your own then.

Abba wants to make you whole.

But will you press in when he goes to expose the wounds?

Are you willing to lay your life down for the Kingdom of God? To trust your life to the Maker and author of life? To trust in his ability to make you whole and clean your wounds and clothe you in his majesty?

Shema Israel.

Hear and Obey.

Abba has CALLED YOU to do something only YOU can do.

Press in when the sin is exposed. It is most likely not the “enemy“ as we would usually classify it as.

It is your sin rearing up in the face of our creator.

Press in and DO. NOT. STOP. What he has called you to do. Continue to be obedient.

DO REPENT of the sin.

Allow him to heal you.

Then continue on the path he has called you on.

Prayer this week —

Pray for the bitter waters to be broken and that the out pouring of the Spirit would come to NMT.

Pray for students to be emboldened to walk in spirit and in truth.

Pray for educators to be moved by the spirit.

Pray for clarity on how YOU can serve those around you.

Repent of the sins you have commited and allow abba to heal you and make you whole.

Lay your life down into his hands and experience freedom.

The freedom that comes along with understanding who it is who rules over life and death

And how much he LOVES YOU.

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A simple way to combat the forces of darkness and the principalities of the Air.
Trust God, Love Him and follow His ways.

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