Simple Focus
Prayer Focus is Updated Saturday's at 10 AM MST for the following week. Why Saturday? Because it is the Sabbath and the End/Start of the Next week. The Prayer is updated on Saturday so that the following Thursday (6 days later) people can pray together. That gives 6 days of time for people to see the new prayer topic.
Regular Prayer Topics
Don't like the prayer topic for this week? Well that sucks. Here is a list of things we should be praying for regularly to pray for instead.
- Pray for the Community Leaders (Your Town, Your Church, Your State, etc.)
- Pray for the Church body (Healing, protection, identity, etc. all in your area.)
- Pray for the College Students (Leaders, attendees of Bible clubs, etc. This is the future generations here.)
- Pray for Neighbors (Those who live around you in your sphere of influence.)
- Pray for Restoration of the Land (Fires, droughts, etc.)
- Pray for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (That those who believe walk in fullness and those who do not believe may experience Adonai.)